
Steam for Emile Huchet Power Plant - Siemens Power Generation

image Clayton
Power plant
image Clayton

Rapid start, high output, Clayton Steam Generators supply auxiliary steam for France’s largest combined cycle power. Each of the two Clayton Steam Generators at the Endesa, Emile Huchet Power Plant have a maximum net steam production rate of 13,400 kg/h (10MW) and are available asand-when required to provide gland sealing for the giant steam turbines. The Clayton Steam Generator is of a unique design that gives maximum operational flexibility and can start-up from cold to full output in 10 to 20 minutes in this large size range. 

The gas fired, Emile Huchet Power Plant was built by Siemens Power Generation at the existing power station site in Saint Avold, Lorraine which is 20 kilometers from the French-German border. The high-efficiency plant is designed for cost-efficiency, flexibility, and environmental compatibility and consists of two units, each having a capacity of 430 megawatts (MW). The output is equivalent to the electricity consumption of one million households

Two Clayton Steam Systems have been installed at the site. The Clayton Steam Generators are located outside in the process area and each system was supplied as a modularised concept to reduced installation time on site and to ensure the high quality that comes from specialist factory manufacture and quality control. A separate weather-proof enclosure houses the ancillary equipment that is necessary for a complete operational boiler system. This includes the main feedwater supply pumps, thermal deaerator and control system. In this case the the thermal deaerator is mounted on the roof of the enclosure. 

The equipment was pre-wired, piped and insulated in the factory and includes all safety devices, platforms, handrailing, etc. The model SEG1004 is fitted with a Clayton Economiser which further improves thealready high efficiency of the Clayton Steam Generator. Because of the quick start up capability of the Clayton Steam Generator it does not have to be kept warm when steam is not required but is available at a moments notice by the flick of a switch when it rapidly achieves full output. 

The module concept has been constantly developed by Clayton Steam Systems and large output units are available as trailer mounted boiler houses, special containerised systems for offshore oil platforms, site-assembled sectional units as well as custom built designs. 

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