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The Roux laundry and the Clayton CSMG-45 steam generator

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Textile Industry

The Roux laundry and the Clayton CSMG-45 steam generator Interview with Sébastien Roux, manager of the Roux laundry.

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Family know-how in industrial laundry
La blanchisserie Roux, a family business now run by the third generation, specializes in industrial laundry. This demanding sector relies on processes that require reliable and efficient steam production. “Steam production is essential for our washing tunnel”, explains managing director Sébastien Roux.


Choosing Clayton steam generators: the right technology
To meet its specific needs, the Roux laundry turned to Clayton steam generators. Why this choice? “It was the technology best suited to our needs. We have highly variable steam demands, and Clayton has experience in instant steam production.”
Among the decisive criteria, Mr Roux cites the unit's technology, safety and small footprint. These features proved to be a perfect match for the company's needs.

image Clayton

La elección de los generadores de vapor Clayton: una tecnología adecuada
Para satisfacer sus necesidades específicas, la lavandería Roux optó por los generadores de vapor Clayton. ¿Por qué esta elección? "Era la tecnología más adecuada para nuestras necesidades. Tenemos demandas de vapor muy variables, y Clayton tiene experiencia en la producción de vapor instantáneo".

Entre los criterios decisivos, el Sr. Roux destaca la tecnología, la seguridad y el tamaño reducido del equipo. Estas características resultaron estar perfectamente alineadas con los requisitos de la empresa.




Una experiencia de usuario convincente
Desde hace más de un año, la lavandería Roux utiliza el generador de vapor Clayton CSMG 45. "Es fácil de usar y me da tranquilidad que nuestros operarios lo manejen", confiesa el Sr. Roux.

La instalación se llevó a cabo sin problemas, y las primeras pruebas no presentaron ningún desafío particular. "Los operarios simplemente pulsan un botón para ponerlo en marcha o detenerlo, es muy intuitivo".

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Reliable maintenance and support
Mr Roux is also satisfied with Clayton's after-sales service. “Things go well with the technicians. They're competent.” A relationship of trust has thus been established, contributing to a positive overall experience.


Innovative, visionary technology
According to Roux, what sets Clayton apart from its competitors is its ability to produce instant steam, a major asset in demanding environments such as industrial laundry.

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Recommendations and Conclusion

Mr. Roux does not hesitate to recommend Clayton steam generators to other companies in the industry, provided their needs match this technology. And to summarize his experience? “Clayton is the easy choice. It is user-friendly and I feel comfortable. The operators just press a button to start up and shut down.”
With this installation, the Roux laundry is a perfect example of how well-chosen technology can transform daily operations and improve energy performance.

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